10 points on the impact of the empire on Scotland. Famously, after 1707, the Scots gained legitimate entry to the newly constituted ‘British Empire’ and rapidly played a significant role in all its geographical sectors, in the West in the thirteen colonies, Canada, and the Caribbean, and in the East through the East India Company.
The Empire provided markets for Scottish coal and employed thousands of miners. Raw materials produced in the Empire were brought to Scotland for processing eg jute to Dundee, sugar to Greenock, cotton to Paisley. There was heap food imports from the Empire for example wheat from Canada, lamb from Australia affected Scots farmers.
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Points on the impact on Scotland

One of the points on impacts that the empire had one Scotland was the empire led to the Clyde becoming the centre of the shipbuilding industry as shipyards on the Clyde were becoming world leaders in the production of shipping in the years up to 1914. This was a positive impact on Scotland.
Another impact of the empire on Scotland is the empire created a market for Scottish goods as heavy industries in Scotland exported lots of their products to countries in the empire eg. jute sacks, trains built in Springburn or Clyde built ships. This had a positive impact on Scotland.
Another one of the points on the impact of the empire on Scotland is the empire provided raw materials for Scottish factories such as jute factories in Dundee jute trade was closely associated with the Calcutta which helped it develop. This had a positive impact on Scotland.
Another impact of the empire on Scotland is the empire for middle-class Scots- Empire provided many middle class Scots with successful careers e.g. in India as civil servants, doctors and as soldiers. This had a positive impact on Scotland.
Another one of the points on the impact of the empire on Scotland is the empire encouraged Scottish martial tradition as Scottish soldiers, often from the Highlands, were used to protect the Empire and helped create the identity and reputation of the Scots as brave soldiers. This had a positive impact on Scotland.
Another impact of the empire on Scotland is the empire gave a destination for many Scottish emigrants as it gave many emigrants a chance to move abroad to countries like Canada and Australia to start a new life and many became successful in business and industry. This had a positive impact on Scotland.
Another one of the points on the impact of the empire on Scotland is the empire distorted the Scottish economy. Due to the importance and an over dependence on exports this made the economy vulnerable to slumps in international trade e.g. economic downturn after WWI. This had a negative impact on Scotland.
Another impact of the empire on Scotland is the Empire left Scotland undeveloped. This is because many investors began to invest in other countries abroad rather than in Scotland so it continued to rely on heavy industries rather than modernising. This had a negative impact on Scotland.
Another impact of the empire on Scotland was the Empire created competition for Scottish goods- Other countries in the Empire began producing things more cheaply which took business away from Scotland for example jute and ships.
A final one of the points on the impact of the empire on Scotland was the Empire reduced Scottish profits. This was because many investors were putting money into projects and businesses abroad this reduced Scottish income, which led to unemployment and poverty.