Instagram, it has been around for a while but it is still one of the biggest social media platforms and it is getting bigger and bigger each day! But, one thing that people are looking more and more into each day is tips to grow your Instagram profile, including colour schemes, how to make it look amazing, how to gain followers.
Social media influencers are becoming more and more popular and frequent each day, and more people are wanting to know how they can get paid for sharing pictures and videos on their platform of their everyday life. And then there is the other group of people reading this post, that just love sharing cute little posts of cafes, nights out, food, chill days in, and all other posts on their Insta and just want to know how they can spice up their platform!
So, if you want tips on highlights to colour schemes to editing pictures, then keep reading this post and within 15 minutes, you Insta profile will be so different and aesthetically pleasing!
Instagram tip 1- posts!
Now, for some reason a lot of people don’t post often, they feel that a lot of posts will make their profile look tacky, full, and all these different things. However, if you want to grow your followers base and number, then posts are one of the things that will help you the most.
The more posts, the more chance of getting on the discover page and the more chance of random users seeing your post, liking and following!
This will also link in with another tip I use, but try and keep the look, colours, etc of all your posts similar, for example all neutral posts, or it could be loud, dark, vibrant posts, but just make sure all of your post fall into the same vibe, to make it aesthetically pleasing.

Instagram tip 2- music!
Now this one may seem a bit short and bland, but one of Insta new big features is that you can add music into your bio, making your profile having that big of spark.
You can also add other things into your bio like links, music and text, and so much more just to add that bit more sparkle into your instagram!
This will make your profile just a bit more exciting, but nothing too much!
Instagram tip 3- highlights!
Highlights make up a huge part of your Insta, they make your cute stories that you post your daily snap shots of life on last on your profile for so much longer!
You can make different highlights for different times in your life, like traveling with different pictures of your holiday, cute pics of you, nice pictures of you and your friends, and so much more. You can add covers to your highlights to make them match the colour scheme of your Instagram account even more, making it look so cool!
Posting pictures of food, drink, fun nights out and everything and making it into a highlight will just make your life look amazing and make your Insta so fun!
You can even add music and everything to your story’s to make them even better, and grow even more followers.

For more articles just like this with tips and step by step guides, recipes and so much more, then just click on this link here.
To make an Instagram account to start your journey, click here!