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4 interesting ways the government deal with inequality in USA

Government response- ESSA One government response to inequality in the USA is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This is a bill signed by president Obama on December 10th 2015 replacing the no child left behind act. This requires that all students in America be taught to high academic standards that will prepare them to

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Gender inequality in the United Kingdom- top 4 examples!

Even though gender inequality was worse many, many years ago, it is still a problem in the UK, especially in the work place. There is inequality like pay, women not succeeding in their career path as much as men, and more, due to things like caring responsibilities for their family. For more on gender inequality,

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3 types of inequality in the USA- interesting politics lesson.

Inequality in the USA. Such a big factor, that is not spoken about enough. In the usa there are 4 main ethnic groups, white Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, and black Americans. Across every single social and economic indicator, black Americans tend to do worse and suffer greater inequalities in all aspects of life than white

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My Top 3 Sunday dinners- delicious and easy!

Sunday dinners are one of my favourite dinners ever. They are such a comfort mood, no matter what it is. Chicken, the veggies, puff pastry, steak, mash potato’s, roast potato’s, everything about a nice cosy, Sunday dinner is just an amazing feeling that gives you at least one thing to enjoy on a Sunday. These

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3 Moral issues arising from crime and religion.

There are many causes of crime that raise moral issues such as environmentalinfluences and psychological factors. In this essay, it will discuss environmentalinfluences such as poverty and upbringing and psychological factors suchaddiction and mental health. MORAL ISSUE AND CRIME- point 1, Poverty. One environmental cause of crime is poverty. Poverty itself is not a cause

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Solving the great depression of the 1930’s in America.

In October 1929, the roaring 20s came to an end with the wall street crash which led to the great depression in the usa where US unemployment rose, wages fell, homelessness sored and many died of starvation. In March 1933, democrat franklin believed that the government should be responsible for helping the US people, so

Changing attitudes to immigration- 3 interesting facts.

Before the 20th century America was like a ‘melting pot’ with an open-door policy to immigration, allowing millions of immigration, allowing millions of immigrants in who wanted to achieve the ‘American dream’ However in the 1920’s ‘old immigrants’ began to fear their way of life would be threatened by ‘new immigrants’ arriving from poorer ares

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