One of the biggest British debates. It isn’t politics, it isn’t about football, it is bigger than that. Do Yorkshire puddings belong on a Sunday dinner plate? Well, if you ask me, I would personally say I cannot have a roast dinner without them, they are one of the best parts of my meal. If you agree, this is the perfect recipe to sporous up your Sunday dinner, giving it that extra homely touch!
These easy Yorkshire puddings only take 25 minutes to make and are super easy with a tasty result at the end! this recipe creates 8 large puddings, or 24 small ones. So what are you waiting for? let’s get cooking!
Yorkshire puddings- ingredients!
This recipe requires such little ingredients which makes it even better! The short list of budget ingredients- which also means these are really cheap to make- all leads to the burst of flavour and makes it a great recipe! Here is the list of ingredients that you need in order to make this recipe!
140g plain flour (this is about 200ml/7fl oz)
4 eggs (200ml/7fl oz)
200 ml of milk
sunflower oil or unsalted butter, for cooking
See how little ingredients you need! Makes it even better as it is super quick and easy! Literally 4 ingredients to make the most important part of your Sunday dinner!
Yorkshire pudding- method!
Step 1
First thing is first you want to preheat your oven to 230C /fan 210C /gas 8. Drizzle a little sunflower oil or take a spoonful of butter and rub it evenly into two 4-hole Yorkshire pudding tins or two 12-hole non-stick muffin tins and place in the oven to heat through.
Step 2
Now we are going to make the batter. To make the batter, tip 140g plain flour into a bowl and crack in 4 eggs and beat or whisk them in with a whisk or an electric mix until smooth. Gradually add 200ml milk and carry on beating until the mix is completely lump- free. Season the mix with salt and pepper but not too heavily.
Step 3
Pour the batter you have made into a jug and make sure there are no lumps at all- if there is, transfer the mixture back into the bowl, whisk it some more, and then again, pour it back into the jug. Using an oven glove, carefully remove the hot tins from the oven and set on a heat protected surface. Grab your jug and evenly pour the batter into the hot holes.
Step 4
carefully- using oven gloves- pop your tins back into the oven without moving or spilling any of the mixture. Pop your tin in the oven and do not open the door at all during the cooking process- leaving them undisturbed will make them puff up to their full potential and rise, making them the best Yorkshire puddings you have ever had! Leave them to cook undisturbed in the oven for roughly 20 to 25 minutes.
Step 5
Once your puddings have cooked- they should have turned golden brown, brown at the top edge and puffed up- remove them from the oven and leave them to stand on a heat protected surface again for around 5 minutes. Pop them on your plate alongside your amazing Sunday dinner and voilà! Your amazing Sunday dinner with home made Yorkshire puddings is now ready to be served and enjoyed!
*These puddings can be froze for up to 1 month*

For more home made recipes to add to your Sunday dinner, click on this link here
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