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My favourite 3 mash potato recipes- tasty quick and easy!

Mash potato. One of my favourite meals of all times. It can go from a plain, creamy mash, to cheese and chive mash with bacon! There is literally so many fancy things that you can do with this dish, and it all tastes honestly amazing! Perfect on the side of any hot meal, like a […]

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Favourite 3 spring cocktails!- quick, easy and tasty recipes!

The easter bunny is out, easter eggs are on shelves in the shops. Spring cleaning, baby lambs, all the flowers start to grow, mini egg recipes, all of this shows one time. It is time for spring! These cocktails will get you right in the mood to be sat out the back relaxing in the

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Ginger chicken fried rice- amazing and ready in 45 minutes!

This ginger chicken fried rice is the recipe you have been dreaming about. Needed something to put on the side of your plate? Maybe your being healthy and trying to introduce more carbs and protein into your diet? maybe your going to put this in a bowl on the middle of the table for the

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4 alternative solutions to the way Scotland is governed.

4 alternative solutions to the way Scotland is governed. Following the 2016 EU Brexit referendum, there has been much debate about the way that Scotland has been governed. In 1999, the Scottish Parliament was creating and it had some powers to change things within Scotland.  The powers that they have are called Devolved powers and

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Amazing chicken lasagne ready in just 1 hour!

This amazinggg chicken lasagne is honestly the most perfect dish to serve on a Saturday night with a little slice of garlic bread and a little glass of wine. No matter if its for you and your partner, yourself enjoying some self care time, the full family, no matter when, where or who, this easy,

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Air fryer chicken strips- 1 of my favourite family fun recipes!

Try and tell me one thing that sounds more fun than the full family getting together to make these chicken strips from scratch, I’ll wait. Imagine you and your kiddos all working as a team laughing, smiling, while making these delicious tenders. Honestly, these taste amazing but the fun involved in making them from scratch,

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10 interesting points on the impact of the empire on Scotland- Scotland history!

10 points on the impact of the empire on Scotland. Famously, after 1707, the Scots gained legitimate entry to the newly constituted ‘British Empire’ and rapidly played a significant role in all its geographical sectors, in the West in the thirteen colonies, Canada, and the Caribbean, and in the East through the East India Company. The Empire provided

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Easter rice crispy cakes! my no.1 tasty mini egg rice crispy’s!

Mini egg season. Easter recipes, with cream eggs, mini eggs, left over easter egg chocolate, all of these recipes suddenly popping up. Maybe your having a day painting eggs and you want to make a sweet treat to nibble whilst your busy decorating. Maybe you have left over chocolate from your easter eggs and you

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Delicious vegetarian lasagne- my no.1 no meat meal!

Vegetarian lasagne. One off my all time favourite dishes! It goes down great on a Friday night, maybe if you had a long week, or on a Sunday at a family dinner, maybe if you want a little glass of wine to wash it down. No matter the occasion, this dish is perfect for it!

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Bucatini with mushrooms & sausage- my no.1 delicious pasta recipe!

Oh my goodness. Mushrooms. Sausage. A creamy sauce. Pasta. Everything I could ever dream off in one bowl. This is one of my all time favourite pasta recipes, and after you make it for the first time, then it will be one of your all time favourites too! This literally takes 5 minutes to prepare

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