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Is Social Media Really More Damaging Than Beneficial?

Social media. We have all heard of it and most likely used it. How often have you found yourself awake at 2 in the morning, scrolling through Instagram? How often do you search for someone’s profile or even scrutinise them? This is a horrible thing to do, but most people will have done it at […]

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Benidorm – The Number 1 Amazing, British Comedy Show

Benidorm. What comes to mind when someone says the word ‘Benidorm’? Does the sunny, popular holiday destination come to mind, or does the hilarious, rib-splitting British tv show come to mind.?The Garveys, Mel, the oracle, Mateo, and all other character’s funniest and worst moments from their yearly holiday to ‘The Solana’ in Benidorm are on

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Vegas – How To Make A Great Trip To LA In 4 Days

If you are thinking of splashing the cash in the casinos on a nice trip to vegas, know there is so much more to Las Vegas than gambling. From getting married to an Elvis to taking a beautiful sightseeing trip on a helicopter over Vegas, there is so much to see and do to make

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Gilmore Girls – One Of The Best TV Shows

Gilmore Girls is one of my favourite TV shows, if not possibly my favourite. If you are looking for a new show to watch, this is the one; if you want a background show for scrolling on your phone, this is the one; if you want a funny show, this is the one; if you


5 Best Christmas Presents For Girls

Personally, girls are the easiest people to buy Christmas presents for. If you ask me, their shopping can be done super quickly, and no matter what you get them, they will probably adore it! However, sometimes, it can be tricky. Maybe everything you can think of, they already own, or it isn’t their style. Maybe

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5 Best Present Ideas For Boys

It is finally the time of year when everyone is starting to think of a Christmas present for their, siblings, significant others, parents, friends, and neighbours, basically, everyone you know, and we all start to struggle. Its constantly searching for “Christmas present ideas for boys” and let’s be honest, they are all pretty rubbish- socks,

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