Earn From Your Photos Review
There does seem to be more and more ways these days that you can make money from home that just wasn’t available years gone by, from social media jobs to the one we are reviewing now which is photojobz.com a site where you can make money online simply from taking photos.

Like we said above this money-making site we are going to look at is called photojobz.com it’s a site that allows you to make money by uploading photos and then selling these photos to potential customers. Not a bad way to make money and in today’s day and age taking photos and uploading to social media sites is very much the new normal.
Once you upload your photos to the website they will be looked at by industry professionals from companies looking to use them on their websites, catalogues, or even magazines, if the photos are bought from the owner (you for example) there will be no future copyright issues.
It’s an easy way to make extra money that is for sure it seems a little too good to be true, you do need to upload photos you have taken and 100% own the rights too, this is first and foremost, there are big penalties to stealing photos and passing them off as your own, just don’t do it, it’s not worth it.
You will essentially be employed as a freelancer to take photos full or part-time, you don’t need to worry about what country you live in, which is one of the positive things about this method, whether it be photos of bridges or chairs all these are welcome and have the potential to make you some extra cash in your pocket.
You will be given specific training on what is required of your photos and how to use their custom made application to upload and submit these photos they must be of high quality that is one of the conditions of being able to join the program.
You don’t need to have the most state of the art camera phone, any phone that can take photos will do just fine, then you have to follow a few steps which are:
- Take a compelling and one of a kind photo, maybe at a beach or at the sea side, of nature or just even of a pidgeon walking on the road, something that people will want to buy, just try and make it stand out from the rest.
- Now after you have taken the photo or photos you can upload them into their massive database and you will start to see offers coming in, if you are known as someone who offers great quality photos you will never be out of work, people will look out for your photos because they will associate you with quality.
That wasn’t too bad eh? the key is really to try and take as many photos that are unusual or hardly ever seen as possible, for example, everyone can take a photo of the sky but what if you took a photo of the aurora borealis! now that is a bit more special and worth more money to someone, especially in the magazine world.
You don’t need to move to another country to get an amazing photo don’t worry! there will be many opportunities right on your doorstep, you will also be taught what type of photos earn the most and what you should focus on capturing.
It is very easy to make a full-time income from doing this, I did not do it for too long as I had too many other things to do but I was quite impressed with the layout and how smooth the program ran. Look out for the monthly updates which will keep you updated on what is selling best, is it scenery or bridges people are wanting to buy photos of this will keep you informed.
Don’t worry if you are not good initially at taking photos, you will get better over time, a good trick is to see what type of photos are already selling them replicate them as much as you can without blatantly copying of course.
You should see some sales come in relatively soon after you begin uploading, they have a vast database of clients who are eager for your photos to come in, this is one of the reasons the program works well, there is no need for you to find your customers they are already there.
Plus you can take photos literally on the go, if you are at a country park and you think that swan looks like a good photo opportunity snap it and upload it, you never know that might be the most valuable photo you have ever taken.

You can also earn as much as you want to, there is no cap to the amount of money you can make if you are gripped by the photo bug why not turn it into a full-time job and work when you want to is my advice.
Well, this was an interesting one, making money from taking pictures and uploading them? I was sceptical at first but yeah it does what it says on the tin! if you like taking photos and want to make a little bit of extra cash I would try this out.
For me I have never been into taking photos, I’m just not a phone guy lol but my girlfriend is, she has made a few hundred dollars so far, the cost of using the app is currently $1 per month, if you are like her jump on it, as always there is a 60-day money-back guarantee if you don’t like it.
Just remember it might take a few weeks for buyers to see your photos, trust me the database is big, make those photos big and bold that stand right out.