Mini egg season. Easter recipes, with cream eggs, mini eggs, left over easter egg chocolate, all of these recipes suddenly popping up. Maybe your having a day painting eggs and you want to make a sweet treat to nibble whilst your busy decorating. Maybe you have left over chocolate from your easter eggs and you want to get creative with it. Maybe your kids are getting all excited about easter and you want to find a recipe yous can all enjoy making together. No matter why your looking for some easter baking, this is perfect!
this recipe is super easy, it literally requires 3 (or 4 including the optional) ingredients, only takes 15 minutes to prepare and can make around 9 servings! Honestly it is super easy and no stress, it is just so fun to make! So, what are we waiting for, lets get started!
Easter mini eggs rice crispy cakes ingredients!
Here is the minimal list of ingredients that you need to make these amazing sweet treats!
- 200 grams of Rice crispy or rice snap cereal.
- One or two bars of chocolate, depending on how chocolatey you want your cakes to be. Using a left over easter egg is also a very good alternative to make these even more eastery!
- Marshmallows (just a handful, these are optional if you want your cakes to be stringy)
- Mini eggs, 2 bags!
That is it! Like I said there is so little ingredients, but trust me, this does not make it any less tasty! Now lets see the few simple steps you need to carry out to make these delicious treats for you and your family!
Easter mini eggs rice crispy cakes method!

there is only a few short steps to follow to make this amazing cake, and trust me, they are worth it! My mouth literally waters just thinking of this delicious recipe!
Step 1
Start off by putting a pot of water (make sure the pot is only filled a quarter of the way) onto boil. Place a glass bowl on top of the pot, making it stay up by the handles, and make sure the water is NOT touching the bottom of the glass bowl. Break half of the amount of chocolate you are using into half. Once your glass dish has heat up a bit, pop your chocolate in and stir it continuedly until there is no lumps or bumps, and your chocolate is smooth and glossy!
Step 2 (optional)
This step is completely up to you if you want your cakes to be stringy. If you wish, weigh out about 20-50g of marshmallows and add them into your smooth melted chocolate , and again mix then constantly until they melt in, making your chocolate stringy!
Step 3
next grab one of your bags of mini eggs. Crush half with a rolling pin, leaving the other half whole. Pour the crushed mini eggs into the melted chocolate, and then in a large bowl, combine your weighed our rice crispy’s, your melted chocolate with mini eggs, and mix until all of the rice crispy’s are covered in chocolate!
Step 4
Cover a baking tray with butter and then spread your chocolate easter rice crispy’s over, around the thickness of a £1 coin. Pop this in the fridge for about 20 minutes, and in the mean time, melt the other half off your chocolate. Once your crispy’s have set, pour the new melted chocolate over the top of your fridge bake. Pop over your easter mini eggs, I recommend putting 2 every few cm, and then pop it back in the fridge for 30 minutes until chocolate has set!
Slice it up, and your easter sweet treat is ready! Enjoy!
For more mini egg recipes, click here!
For more easter recipes and more, click here!