My #1 Christmas Cocktail – Amazing Santa’s Hat

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My #1 Christmas cocktail- Amazing Santa’s hat!

Let me put you onto one of the best Christmas nights you could have. A Christmas Cocktail night. Such a fun, festive and good night you can spend gossiping, having a couple of drinks and getting creative all at the same time! This is my number one Christmas cocktail that is delicious, fun and festive!

A mixture of juices with a dash of vodka, and here comes the fun part! Many people use coconut around the rim of the glass, however, I used candyfloss! Yes, it all sounds confusing, but if you keep reading, I can tell you how to make one of the best, most Christmassy cocktails, that you can wow all your friends and family with, whether its Christmas day, a worknight out, a cocktail night in with friends or even for a romantic night between you and your partner!

Christmas Cocktail- Santa Hat Ingredients!

All you need to make these amazing cocktails is;

  • cranberry juice
  • pomegranate juice
  • lime
  • vodka
  • white or extremely pale pink candy floss!

that is it! If you would like to add a flavour of fizz to your cocktail you can add lemonade or sprite, but that is up to you! I will tell you where to add it in if you’d like it! Also, if your planning making mocktails, you can substitute the vodka for lemonade or sprite!

Christmas Cocktail- Santa Hat method!

this is a really easy cocktail to make, meaning you don’t even need a cocktail shaker, measurer or anything! However, you can use this if you want!

Start off by putting a single shot of vodka in a glass. I recommend a martini glass as this is the perfect shape for a Santa hat, but any glass is grand!

Once you have put your single shot of vodka in, or double it up if your feeling confident, then put in 2 shots of cranberry juice. If you find cranberry juice extremely strong, some people do, you can just put one shot in instead if you wish!

Then add in a shot of pomegranate juice to your cocktail! Like I said, you could do 2 shots of pomegranate juice and one of cranberry instead, or even of one and none of the other! It just depends on what flavour you are wanting it to be!

If you are wanting to make it fizzy, this is your time! Top off the cocktail with lemonade and give it a stir!

Then, take a cutting board and lime and cut a lime in half! Then, on one half, cut a slit down the middle. Run the slit along the rim of the glass, making the edge slightly sticky. Then take a small piece of fluffy candyfloss and stick this around the glass on the sticky part. This is making it like the rim around Santa’s hat! Do this until all the edge of the glass is covered, again like Santa Clauses hat! This may take time and effort, but trust me it is worth it in the end!

If you want, instead of using candy floss, run the lime along the edge of the glass and stick coconut sprinkles to the side, however I think it is a much more fun idea, and tastier doing the candy floss!

if you want, you can hang a small candy cane on the side, but after that, they are ready to go! We all put the candyfloss in our drink to dissolve, but you can eat it if you prefer!

Enjoy this amazing Christmas cocktails!

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My #1 Christmas cocktail- Amazing Santa’s hat!

To buy martini glasses- click here!

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