Mash potato. One of my favourite meals of all times. It can go from a plain, creamy mash, to cheese and chive mash with bacon! There is literally so many fancy things that you can do with this dish, and it all tastes honestly amazing! Perfect on the side of any hot meal, like a steak with some tender steamed broccoli, a roast, pork, sausage- British know this as ‘bangers and bash- and anything with beans! So much more, and the different flavours add even more to the excitement!
Classic mash potato recipe!
The first amazing mash potato recipe is the classic mash. Creamy, plain, delicious mash potatoes with such an easy recipe!
Here is the ingredients to make these delicious potato’s!
– 3 potatoes peeled
– 50ml of double cream
– 50g of unsalted butter
– splash of semi skimmed milk
You want to start off by peeling your potato’s and then boil them in lightly salted water, boil them for about 10 minutes until a fork can slide through them easily. Once they are all soft, drain all the water and put them in a bowl and then slightly mash them until they are a little mashed. Put them in a pot and add in the milk, the butter and the double cream, and then put it on a low heat while you mix and mash it all together, until it is all soft and creamy.
Once it is soft and creamy, pop it on the side of a plate, and chop up some parsley, and sprinkle on top for a garnish. Serve, and your classic extra creamy mash potato is ready to serve!
Cheese, chive, and bacon mash potato recipe!
This mash potato with a twist is perfect on the side of pork dishes and more! Super full of different flavours and it is a classic mash with a twist!
Here is the ingredients for the amazing recipe-
– 4 rashers streaky bacon, chopped
-100ml of milk
-100g mature cheddar, grated
-pinch grated nutmeg
-small bunch chives, finely chopped
Put the potatoes in a large pan of salted water, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 mins or until completely tender. Drain well. Meanwhile, fry the bacon until crisp. Mash the potatoes until smooth and creamy, then stir through the milk, cheese, a bit of nutmeg, crispy bacon pieces and half the chives. Season, then sprinkle over the remaining chives to serve. Then your second mash potato recipe is ready to be served and enjoyed!
Carrot and brown butter mash potato recipe!
This recipe sounds unusual but it is actually loved by so many! Transform carrot and swede into an extra-special side dish with the help of brown butter, it works great on a Sunday evening with your Sunday dinners!
Here is the very short and sweet list of ingredients-
- 75g butter
- 3 thyme sprigs, leaves picked
- 500g carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
- 1 medium swede (around 600g), peeled and roughly chopped
That is all you need! And the method to making these super cool, tasty potato’s are just as quick and easy! Start off by melting your butter in a frying pan with the thyme and a half tsp of freshly ground black pepper until the butter begins to bubble about and look like it is foaming, once it is bubbling, take it off of the heat.
Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, tip in the carrots and swede and simmer for 30-40 mins until tender. Drain your water and wash these up with a fork in a pot and stir through the butter. Then it is ready to serve! Enjoy!

For more mash potato recipes, click on this link here!
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