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My favourite 3 breakfast smoothie recipes- tasty and easy!

A nice, fruity smoothie. Someone tell me one thing that sounds more refreshing than waking up in the morning and drinking a nice cold, juicy smoothie. From raspberry’s, apples, bananas every fruit you can imagine to make the best drink off your life! I am going to tell you my 3 best smoothie recipes that […]

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My Number 1 carbonara recipe- delicious + amazing!

Spaghetti carbonara. One of my all time favourite recipes. Every time I go to say, an Italian restaurant, straight away I am ordering carbonara! I always crave it, but what would be even better, is if I had the perfect recipe to make it from the comfort of my own home! There has been several

medicinal garden kit
Home & Garden

Grow Wellness with a Medicinal Garden Kit

Are you tired of relying on synthetic medications for every ache and pain? Seeking a more natural way to promote wellness and healing? Look no further than a medicinal garden kit. But wait, a garden kit for medicinal purposes? Why should I choose a Medicinal Garden Kit? How does it work? Can I really grow

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Lush- my favourite 3 amazing products!

Lush. One of my favourite shops that get me right in the mood for a self care Sunday reset! It is full off fresh facemasks, hair products to make you always have good hair days, a full range of products that help you sleep, of course a whole range of their famous bath bombs, and

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My Top 3 Sunday dinners- delicious and easy!

Sunday dinners are one of my favourite dinners ever. They are such a comfort mood, no matter what it is. Chicken, the veggies, puff pastry, steak, mash potato’s, roast potato’s, everything about a nice cosy, Sunday dinner is just an amazing feeling that gives you at least one thing to enjoy on a Sunday. These

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My favourite 3 breakfast recipes!- super quick and easy.

My top breakfast meals, no matter if it is a birthday, you are making your friends breakfast, treating the kids, or just a nice leisurely breakfast to spice up your meals! Between these taco pancakes and a simple beans and toast, these amazing easy recipes will give you the best breakfasts of your life! breakfast

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The creator of the Universe- 3 interesting religious beliefs.

Science- how the universe was created theory 1. One non-religious viewpoint is Science. Scientists believe that the universe was created through the Big Bang. The Big Bang is a theory that the universe was created 13.8 Billion years ago from an event called a singularity. After this particles were produced which were then developed into

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My favourite gym workout! 1 hour powerful gym routine!

Maybe your bored of your current workout, maybe it was your new years resolution to loose weight, maybe you’ve booked a holiday and you want to get in shape, maybe your not happy with your current weight, maybe your wanting to workout to relieve stress and help your mental health, or maybe your just looking

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How the Nazis remained in power- 4 interesting facts!

Adolf Hitler’s rise to power began in the newly established Weimar Republic in September 1919 when Hitler joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. He rose to a place of prominence quickly in the early years of the party. Adolf Hitler soon became chancellor of Germany in January 1933, but the Nazis still did not have a majority of the votes in

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