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The perfect mothers day breakfast- favourite 3 breakfast recipes!

Treat your mum this mothers day with a delicious breakfast in bed. These 3 amazing recipes will make your mum feel extra appreciated this year. Mothers day is the day each year that we show our loves for our mums, even though we should do this every day! Mothers day chocolate orange Belgium waffles! The […]

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What is Reformation- interesting purposes of punishment 3!

What is Reformation? (KU) Moral Issues Raised by Reformation (KU) Generic Christian Responses to crime (KU) Jesus taught forgiveness and compassion so everyone deserves achance to change. – We are all God’s children so we are all equal in the eyes of God.– Everyone is the same– “Only God can judge” criminals will receive punishment

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3 custodial sentences- and interesting Buddhist responses.

Prison- custodial sentences One custodial sentence is prison. Prison is a type of custodial sentence. Prison is the most severe sentence a judge can give. It can only be given if there is no other appropriate way of dealing with the person. This is when the criminals get locked away for a period of time

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My top 3 cheese cake recipes- amazing and easy!

Cheesecakes is one of my all time favourite deserts, and honestly, after these great, amazing recipes it will be yours too! So easy ands for the full family to enjoy! raspberry and white chocolate cheese cake! This white chocolate and raspberry cheese cake is almost actually life changing, it makes my mouth water even just

Protection- important purposes of punishment 2.

What is Protection? (KU) Moral Issues Raised by Protection (KU) Generic Christian Responses to crime (KU) NEW TESTEMENT; OLD TESTEMNT: – “An eye for an eye” whatever is done to you should be able to bedone back.– Examples of God seeking revenge in the story of Moses (carrying outCP to the first-born Egyptian son. Generic

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Retribution and religion- 1 of the interesting purposes of punishment!

Retribution. One of the purposes of punishment, and religious responses to them. What is Retribution? (KU) – theory of justice that holds that the best response to a crime is a punishment proportional to the offense, inflicted because the offender deserves the punishment.– Means revenge but can be looked at as getting back at someone

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Deterrence- 1 of the punishments of crime!

Deterrence is one of the punishments to crime. Deterrence in relation to criminal offending is the idea or theory that the threat of punishment will deter people from committing crime and reduce the probability and/or level of offending in society. What is Deterrence? -Trying to deter or put off criminal from recommitting crimes or put

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Lemon crispy sesame chicken bites!- 20 minute amazing recipe!

My mouth actually waters thinking about this lemon, crispy, sesame chicken. It tastes so good, is so easy to make and does not take long either! Taking only 10 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to cook, so all together it is only going to take you 25 minutes to make one of the best

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Leek, sausage & fennel pasta- amazing 30 minute recipes!

Perfect for lunch recipes, quick dinners for the full family on school nights, and it is only 600 kcal per bowl which if you are trying to eat healthier, this is perfect for a dinner on a weekend! date nights, quick weekday dinners, family dinners, and there are so many other occasions that this amazing

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My favourite 3 breakfast smoothie recipes- tasty and easy!

A nice, fruity smoothie. Someone tell me one thing that sounds more refreshing than waking up in the morning and drinking a nice cold, juicy smoothie. From raspberry’s, apples, bananas every fruit you can imagine to make the best drink off your life! I am going to tell you my 3 best smoothie recipes that

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My Number 1 carbonara recipe- delicious + amazing!

Spaghetti carbonara. One of my all time favourite recipes. Every time I go to say, an Italian restaurant, straight away I am ordering carbonara! I always crave it, but what would be even better, is if I had the perfect recipe to make it from the comfort of my own home! There has been several

medicinal garden kit
Home & Garden

Grow Wellness with a Medicinal Garden Kit

Are you tired of relying on synthetic medications for every ache and pain? Seeking a more natural way to promote wellness and healing? Look no further than a medicinal garden kit. But wait, a garden kit for medicinal purposes? Why should I choose a Medicinal Garden Kit? How does it work? Can I really grow

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